
<void> writefile(<string> path, <string> contents)

This will not append the file, instead it will overwrite.

Sets path contents to the second argument.

<void> appendfile(<string> path, <string> contents)

Appends path contents to the second argument.

<string> readfile(<string> path)

Returns path contents.

<function> loadfile(<string> path)

Returns an LClosure of path contents interpreted.

<bool> isfile(<string> path)

Returns if path is a file.

<void> makefolder(<string> path)

Makes a folder named with the first argument value inside of workspace.

<void> delfolder(<string> path)

Deletes the folder named path from Fluxus workspace.

<void> delfile(<string> path)

Deletes the file named path.

<void> listfiles(<string?> path = workspace)

Returns all the files in path.

Last updated