Environment Functions
<table> getgenv(<void>)
Returns Fluxus Global Environment, will be applied globally.
<table> getrenv(<void>)
Returns ROBLOX Global Environment, will be applied globally.
<table> getreg(<void>)
Returns ROBLOX LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, will be applied globally.
<table> getgc(<bool?> include_table = false)
Returns all the functions in the GC, if include_tables is true, it will also include tables & userdatas.
<table> getinstances(<void>)
Returns a table of all instances.
<table> getnilinstances(<void>)
Returns a table of all the instances parented to nil.
<table> getloadedmodules(<void>)
Returns a table of all the loaded modules in the game.
<table> getconnections(<ScriptSignal> obj)
Gets all the LClosures connected to obj.
Return the LClosure connected.
Returns the state of the connection.
Enables the connection.
Disables the connection.
Fires the connection.
<void> firesignal(<ScriptSignal> obj, <vararg> args)
Fires all the LClosures connected to obj with the argument args
<void> fireclickdetector(<ClickDetector> obj, <number?> distance = 0)
Fires ClickDetector with the distance.
<void> fireproximityprompt(<ProximityPrompt> obj)
Fun fact: Fluxus was the first public exploit with this feature!
There is serverside distance checks. Potentially unsafe.
Fires ProximityPrompt.
<void> firetouchinterest(<Instace> part, <BasePart> totouch, <int> toggle)
Fakes a .TouchedEvent to totouch coming from part. The third argument will represent weather to untouch or to touch.
Toggle Number
UnTouch / UnFire
Touch / Fire
<?> gethiddenproperty(<Instace> obj, <string> property)
Returns the hidden property (Second argument) from obj. Errors if the property does not exist, or does if the property is not a child of obj.
<void> sethiddenproperty(<Instace> obj, <string> property, <?> value)
Sets the property (Second argument) of obj to value (Third argument). Errors if the property does not exist, or does if the property is not a child of obj.
<void> setsimulationradius(<int> simradius, <int?> maxsimradius)
Sets the LocalPlayers SimulationRadius to the first argument and MaxSimulationRadius if the second argument exists.
<string> identifyexecutor(<void>)
This will return "Fluxus"
Last updated
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