Script Functions

<table> getsenv(<LocalScript/ModuleScript> scr)

Returns scr enviorment.

<LocalScript/ModuleScript> getcallingscript(<void>)

Returns the script that is calling the function.

<function> getscriptclosure(<LocalScript/ModuleScript> scr)

This is not the original function and will not have upvalues or environment correctly defined.

Gets scr bytecode & then creates an LClosure.

<string> getscripthash(<LocalScript/ModuleScript> scr)

Returns a SHA384 hash of scr encrypted bytecode.

<string> getscriptbytecode(<LocalScript/ModuleScript> scr)

It returns Luau bytecode.

Gets scr bytecode, decrypts it and then returns it.

<void> unlock_module(<ModuleScript> obj)

Unlocks obj.

<void> lock_module(<ModuleScript> obj)

Locks obj.

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